Accelerating litter

Names: Yabasta Accelerating Kite, Aviar, Archon, Sonic and Roc by Yzma
Born: 2015-03-17

Aviar swedish polardog champion (2019)
Aviar and Sonic wins Nornasdraget (2019) (1st price working test)
Aviar and Sonic earning bronze in Polar dog championships (2019) (1st price working test)
Wings and Aviar earning bronze in Nornäsdraget (2018) (1st price working test)
Wings and Aviar earning bronze in Vildmarksracet (2018)
Kite and Aviar finishes Vildmarksracet (2017)
Kite and Roc wins the Swedish Championships MD6, Aviar is in the team only the first heat due to lack of training (2017) (1st price working test)
Wings wins Nordic Open SP8 (2017) (1st price working test)
Roc places 5th in the Polardog World Championships mid-distance (2017) (2nd price working test)
Sonic wins the European Dryland Championships DR8 (2016)
Sonic places 2nd in the French Dryland Championships DR8 (2016)

On my 35th birthday, Jens Lindberget (Nisstorpets) made an exciting offer to me. He let me borrow his female, my favourite one, Nisstorpets Cruising Thunderbird for a litter! I decided to breed her to Snowdigger’s Yarak, a top performing male in the sprint team of Marie Israelsson. In march 2015 the first Yabasta litter were born.

The Accelerating litter was the first step on a new path of Yabasta. I have had several breeding plans before that, some more ambitious than others, but with no results. The offer from Jens, together with good advice from Anders Hörnlund (Vänervind) and Nisse Uppström (Nordvikens) made me figure out what I wanted with my team and my breeding. The importance of performance and results weren’t always my priority. But from the first Yabasta litter, that has been the thread through all further plans.

Yabasta Accelerating Kite by Yzma stayed at Yabasta
Yabasta Accelerating Aviar by Yzma stayed at Yabasta
Yabasta Accelerating Roc by Yzma stays at the Pålsson family, team Husky Heroes
Yabasta Accelerating Sonic by Yzma was sold to the Verdy family, team Amanuq in France and returned when they decided to quit racing
Yabasta Accelerating Archon by Yzma, “Wings” was sold to the Strumbecker family, team Snowzillas, and returned when they decided to focus on a small team

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Kite earning two certificates in special club dog show
Kite, Aviar, Sonic and Wings eyes checked clear