Kite (2015)

Name: SeUCh Yabasta Accelerating Kite by Yzma
Sex: Female, neutered
Born: 2015-03-17 SE23731/2015
Height: 56 cm
Weight: 20 kg

Swedish Championships MD6 (gold), Femundløpet 200, Amundsen Race 180, Åredraget 155, Vildmarksracet 120

Swedish Show Champion
1st price Swedish Polardog Test
1st price Norwegian Polardog Test
Eyes checked clear

Mother of Yabasta Explosive litter

My sweet Kite, the firstborn of kennel Yabasta. A very intense, yet balanced, female in harness as well as in everyday life. Kite is a hot headed and strong female who need to be run carefully.

In social life, Kite can be tough but she never wishes to fight. She’s just a female with strong opinions. With humans, though, she is like a sack of beans. You can carry her around and do nearly anything to her – she will just relax in your arms.